CHEER-ios! Classroom cheers printed on cheerios, get it?! HA! I have wanted to make this project for awhile now--it has been in my idea book for at least a year--and I am so happy I finally found the time to make it!
This past year, I have added classroom cheers to my daily routine--and it has been the single BEST thing I have done to encourage participation, build classroom community, and create a room full of ENERGIZED and eager learners! { "sleepy time" in my classroom with cheers!} I use cheers ALL the TIME. When doing SmartBoard lessons, and I call on a student to come to the board to help complete a task or find the correct answer, I call out the name of a cheer, and the rest of the class will encourage their little friend by doing one of the cheers in my "Cheerios" book! It may be a dance--like my personal favorite--The Sprinkler Dance! Or it can be something like The Cowboy, "YEE-HAW!" I started out by teaching my students five or six cheers, then added more each week. They caught on so quickly! The kids love encouraging one another, and it is so neat to just call out the name of a cheer and see everyone do it!

I printed these out on card stock, cut out the circles (and I cut out the middle--but you don't have to), laminated the set, and put them on a metal ring so I can flip through them easily, and have all of my cheers right in front of me, so I won't have to come up with them on the spot!
Teacher friends, go
here to get CHEERios for your class! (I have made 20 of my absolute personal FAVES!) I hope you will love doing cheers as much as we do!!!
P.S. To show my appreciation to all of my ROCKIN' Readers, I am giving away TWO of these guys to the first TWO to comment under this post! As always, I appreciate all of you for reading my little blog! It has been so wonderful to share ideas with so many incredible teachers and parents out there! Thanks for all of your encouraging comments, uplifting emails, and inspiration. I am so very grateful!
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