Christmasy traditions I can't wait to continue this year…(these are a mixture of classroom related…and not classroom related stuff)--and, get ready, because I'm going to quote a ridiculous amount of Christmas movies in the following list:
1. Watching Elf while putting up our family Christmas Tree the day after Thanksgiving! {"Santa! I know him!!!" and "These toilets are GINORMOUS!"}
2. Baking and decorating sugar cookies with my mom to remember and honor a sweet family friend who passed away years ago. She made the absolute BEST sugar cookies in the world. Even though I try, I still can't make them the way she did!
3. A new tradition--thanks to inspiration from my friend, Cara Carroll--random acts of kindness! {Check out Cara's blog for her list of RACKing ideas!} I do this at school with my students too! We discuss fun ideas to help out and make someone's day--and we talk about how this is the season of giving. I explain that they are never too little to brighten someone's day. I love how the kids get into it!
4. Our grade level (teacher's only) "Dirty Santa/white elephant" party! This year, I'm super pumped to be hosting the party at my house. I love nothing more than planning a good party. Below is the invite I created for it…{please know--if you've never watched the movie Home Alone, then you will NOT get this invitation!} "Keep the change…ya filthy animal."
5. Christmas Around the World scrapbooks! Ahhhh! I love doing this every year! I am really excited because I have recently updated the scrapbook--everything in it looks 110 percent better-- in my opinion! Please, if you bought this packet from me in the past, go download the new version under "my purchases" on TpT! I hope you will love the new look, and new activities I've added! :) If you are interested in purchasing it, please click the pictures below:
Side note: {This unit takes me about 2-3 weeks to complete! We "fly" to a country and complete new activities every two days! The scrapbook comes with a teacher's guide, boarding passes, passport and stamps, letter home, and so much more!}
6. Watching A Christmas Story on Christmas Eve {"You'll shoot you're eye out!" "I triple-dog dare you!" and "It's a major award!"--leg lamp, anyone?} while also eating a late night snack of mashed potatoes and corn. (Yep, mashed potatoes and corn--the hubs and I have done this every year we've been married.)
7. Polar Express Day at school! I love that we all wear PJ's, enjoy hot chocolate, and watch The Polar Express! Such a cozy and fun day.
8. Having my whole family over for Christmas Eve. The whole night, everyone randomly recites quotes from the movie Christmas Vacation--and we all laugh like it's the first time we've ever heard it... "Is your house on fire, Clark?" I swear, my whole family could probably reenact that entire movie. Cracks. me. up.
{So, I just realized...almost all of my traditions involve movies! Ha!}
I love hearing about family/classroom Christmas traditions! If you tell me about one of your most unique/special/cherished Christmas traditions (in the comments), I might just pick you to win a free copy of my updated, new and improved Christmas Around the World Scrapbook! Leave your comment and your email address!
P.S. If you don't follow me on Instagram, please do! I have been better lately at updating my Instagram with fun classroom ideas than updating my blog--it's just so easy to snap a picture and write a quick little note! I'm @firstgraderatlast on Instagram!

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