So, I have fallen WAY behind on the blogging the last couple of weeks--I hope you haven't forgotten about me--but, wanted to share my good news! I am expecting baby #2!!! I will try to update more about our classroom adventures--but teaching all day, then coming home to clean up, cook, and chase after my 3 year old--I won't lie--I have been all kinds of stressed, and super tired! {I miss my daily summer naps!} Anyway, we are all very excited about the baby--I *think* Emma understands, and keeps saying with confidence that she is having a sister. {We don't know yet!} We keep saying..."Well, it could be a baby brother..." And she just says, "No. It's a sister." If this baby does happen to be a boy (which I suspect) things could get interesting around here, people! :) My second pregnancy is so different from my first--for one, I look full-on pregnant and I'm only 15 weeks--I've looked this way for about the past 3 weeks. At least 7 people have asked if I'm having twins--and when I reply "No! Just one!" They respond with, "...Are you SURE?" {Um, yes--and thanks for letting me know how fat pregnant I am. HA! Goodness.}
I will be back (sometime) THIS week to update you on our Melanie Watt author study! She might just be my new favorite author. We are having all kinds of fun with Scaredy Squirrel, and I can't wait to share pictures!

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