*Let me preface this post by saying that my room is NOT even finished yet...so, this is totally a "sneak peek"! Please don't judge my bare walls, unfinished bulletin boards, and unlabeled library/center baskets--that's the plan for this week!* I moved from my cozy classroom of 5 years to a new (bigger!) classroom, and although I loved my old little room, I have to say, this one is pretty glorious...
Here is what you see when you enter...I had an extra set of curtains that I decided to use in the doorway. I bought the pink scalloped table at a store called Nadeau--I'm a little obsessed with their cool furniture! The pink table will be *probably* be where I store the kids' supplies for writing workshop--the little drawer pulls out and has a stapler and tape, and I plan to purchase a paper organizer and more buckets for writing and drawing tools. The plastic desks under the table (found at Michael's) will be available for students to grab when they would like to write somewhere in the room other than their desk!
Here is my "modified" Daily 5 board. I have been working on a Daily Five Freebie for y'all {with the cards on my board} and will go into more detail about how I use the board in a later post! Right now, just enjoy the cuteness of it. ;) I am also LOVING the tissue paper border that I used this year. It was surprisingly easy and it is SO unique!!! I found the tutorial here.
Above the whiteboard I have my "Alphazoo" letter cards--which had to be split up due to my GIANT clock. The OCD in me has serious issues with this. Oh well. I'm going to *try* not to think about it! Also, you can see my "Brownie Points" pan, "Quiet Mouse" of the Day sign, and Brain Sprinkles container.
Moving over to the other side of the whiteboard, you can see my "Wondrous Words" board. The pocket charts (from Target Dollar Spot) will hold my spelling pattern words of the week and sight words of the week. I am also thinking about posting my vocabulary words on these too.
AW! And look, it's Richard, our class bird/mascot! I have had Richard for forever and a day.
You can read more about him here.
Y'all...this is where I get embarrassed! Remember, it is NOT finished yet!!! (It's just so bare!!!) But here is a shot looking over to the other side of the room. I have a little Smartboard...and of course, my Junie B. Jones! Hooray, hooray!
My library is not labeled, and neither are the green station baskets below. I may get rid of that system all together--I'm still deciding!
My Math Meeting board will have my calendar, weather, place value straws, and...I'm not sure what else yet! {I'm just keeping it real!!!}
Look below and you will see my favorite classroom rug in the whole world--I found it at a store called Garden Ridge. I am praying that no one tears it apart or throws up on it.
You can also see my shabby rag string of lights hanging (they weren't on for the picture). They make the classroom feel super cozy, especially on rainy days when it is kind of dark outside.
And, here are the computers. These are in a super tricky place--right in front of a white board and bulletin board--I spent many days just staring at this mess and wondering why someone would put those outlets right there--I mean, who needs that part of the white board?! {AHHHH! ME!!! I NEED IT!!} It stresses me to have my boards blocked, but I am learning to work with it. ;)
My math tub shelf! You can read more about it here.
The GLORIOUS counter top, sink, cabinets, and drawers! So much storage! Makes me happy.
The tubs on top of the cabinets are labeled with each month, and they are filled with materials I need for each unit of study. Picture books, crafts, centers, games, etc. I am crazy excited that I finally accomplished making these tubs. I've been thinking about making them for about...FIVE years! I tend to procrastinate...just a little. I found the tubs at Lowe's for $5 each! A STEAL!
This isn't much to look at, but I started my hallway work display today. This is where I am right now--tomorrow I am going to add Melonheadz kids clip art above each blue paper with my students' names and a title for the work display. I have no idea what it should say above it. If you have a creative idea, I would love you forever if you'd share it with me!!!! I might just send you a little something special from my TpT store if I pick your idea. Just sayin'.
Thanks for visiting! I will try to post more pictures when it is finally finished! :)
Don't forget to link up with Blog Hoppin' to share your classroom, too!

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