Last week was apple week, and if you know me, you know I LOVE planning some thematic activities about apples! Such a fun time of year! During writing workshop, I did a mini lesson on adjectives, and then we added adjectives to our smiley apple guy:
On Johnny Appleseed's birthday, we did one of my all-time absolute favorite craftivities-- GIANT apples!!! Totally kid-created, and totally adorable and unique--(in this teacher's opinion)! During the creation of these ginormous apples, my classroom was literally a sea of red paper. It was slightly crazy in there, but it really was all kinds of fun! The kids created the coolest little apple cores I've ever seen. I may never want to take this display down!!!
{They also added labels to show the parts of the apple, and we attached their apple booklets--for more information, see below!}
In reading, we have begun learning features of non-fiction text, so of course, I HAD to tie it into apples. The kids each created a non-fiction features mini booklet--all about apples.
You can download your own Apples non-fiction features mini book by clicking the cover page below:
We also had an apple tasting party, and we will graph our favorites this week using my Apple Tasting Party packet:
In math, the kids did apple word problems and completed a little apple basket math booklet to help them practice their fluency to 6. You can download your apple basket math booklet by clicking the cover page below:
Happy fall, y'all!

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